Sign the BEDA Position Paper 2024
- 02.08.2024
- Quelle: Redaktion
BEDA wants to highlight, that the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) are a vital sector that contributes significantly to the European economy.
Representing approximately 3.95% of EU value added and employing around 8 million people, the CCIs ecosystem is a powerhouse of innovation and growth. Notably, over 99.9% of these firms are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), underlining our sector’s dynamic and entrepreneurial spirit.
BEDA Position Paper: Design in Europe – for sustainable growth and prosperity
Within this dynamic ecosystem, designer power plays a crucial role as the very “engine” of this industry.
BEDA, representing the voice of European design, presents this call to action to the European Commission, the re-elected and newly elected Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and the European design network.
Europe’s challenges require the brightest minds in design to develop solutions that enhance well-being and security, making design integral to solving critical issues from physical spaces to digital innovations. Embracing design methodologies in policymaking, exemplified by the New European Bauhaus movement, demonstrates how design can effectively address societal and regional challenges. Our aim is to position design as a strategic imperative for a prosperous, sustainable, and inclusive Europe.
Support the BEDA initiative of empowering design in Europe by signing our Position Paper.
BEDA Position Paper 2024 (435KB) (435 KB)
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