HOLITOPIA Festival for Arts & Futures
- 19. - 22.09.2024
- HTW Berlin
HOLITOPIA is a festival focused on future design and creative disciplines ranging from art to architecture. Its aim is to give shape to abstract visions of the future: futures to see and touch.
The festival program is embedded in a cross-disciplinary indoor and outdoor exhibition, and includes a conference, workshops, artist talks, curator tours, performances, concerts and an after-party.
This year's edition of the festival is based on the campus of the University of Applied Sciences (HTW), Berlin’s largest applied sciences university.
Witness future design and art coming together to turn visions into reality: futures you can see and touch! Navigate future scenarios together with some of the brightest and quirkiest minds in future design and creative industries
HOLITOPIA Festival for Arts & Futures
HTW Campus Wilhelminenhof, Berlin
Conference Program is Opening, September 19, 2024, 6 - 9.30 pm
Conference, 20th September 2024, 9.30 am - 6 pm
Public days - 21.-22th September 2024 - Free access
Registration Ecotuning Workshop
Exhibition - Above the Sea of Air - 20.-22. September 2024
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